Some of our favorite wedding photos are those taken by our guests. The best ones that we have are below.

But, while some of you were hamming for the camera, others were off hiding somewhere. We're missing shots of many of you! If you have some you'd like to share, please email them to us. We'll add them to this site.

Even if you don't have pictures to send, please drop us a line! You can reach Jeff at, Michelle at We'd love to hear from you.

Our new home is in Dublin, California. The next time you're in the San Francisco Bay area, please stop by!

(Click here to visit our engagement site.)

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Amber, Rick and Richard

Bronte and Judy Stone

Kristin Orr and Michelle Missler

The Ord Way neighborhood gang

Amy and Melissa

Lewis, Mel and Amy

Verna Burke and Aunt Virginia

Tom and Annette Bauer

Chris and Cicely

The BioRad gang

The KidSat gang (some of them, anyways)

The Mikelsons

Steve and Julie Spykerman

Amy, Lori, Rachel and Soraya

Aunt Jo and Claudia

Mahli, Kim and Aunt Dot

Aunt Karen and Kim

Gary, Louise and Nancy

Barney, Nola and Chad

Lynn and Rod

Joanne and Dave Orr

Francie, Ramie, and Rod

Laurie and Louise Henderson

Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa

More Ord Way neighbors

Mary and Rachel

Dave, Mom and Aunt Karen

Kim and Uncle George

Harry and Aunt Dot

The Hummer

Chris, Cicely, Thaddeus, Allison, Julia, and Melonie

Chris and Cicely

Lucia and Rod Thornton

Ixochitl and Judy

Aunt Jo and Harry

Wade, Ted and Ixochitl

The Kramers

Rachael and Brooke at the guest book

Kim and Michelle

Verna, Aunt Virginia and Grandma

Harry and Grandma

Judy, Ted and Grandpa

Bob and Verna Fisher

Bronte, Judy, Melissa and Cayce

Prices and Rahebs


The Wray clan

Aunt Karen and Don

Kim and Geo